Monday, August 10, 2009

Venturing Out: Kings Rezzable

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Utopian of the World

I am an artist, humanitarian, conservationist, preservationist, perfectionist, and a romanticist.

I wonder if the skies and the crystal clear blue waters of the ocean and seas will ever be pure once again.

I wonder if the destruction of the rainforests will ever cease, and I wonder about the nature and the outcome of the human race.

I hear the wind whispering though the leaves of an old maple tree like a soft song of secrets from the earth.

I see the lush green rolling hills and rocky coasts of Ireland.

I want to lay in a field full of wild flowers in the morning with the cool dew on the grass touching my back.

I am an Artist, humanitarian, conservationist, preservationist, perfectionist and a romanticist.

I pretend to go to far off places like Cairo, Memphis, and even Karnake or Luxor in Egypt, just to be in a place like that, where the wind is like hot spices and the earth moves with the wind like the waves upon the ocean or maybe a cold place like Nepal or Tibet where the mountains seem to touch the heavens.

I feel that if we were more like the peace loving Dalai-Lama that the world would be a more loving and compassionate place.

I touch the Tree of Life and I feel the roughness of its bark, and yet I feel the smoothness of its cool, moist, silky, green leaves.

I worry that we will destroy our earth and ourselfs with the folly of mankind.

I cry for the innocent children around the world that are sick and dying.

I am an Artist, humanitarian, conservationist, preservationist, perfectionist and a romanticist.

I understand that the world is not a perfect place, and we are not all perfect, because after all we are only human.

I say that we must live only for the good and try to overlook the bad because life is to short and too precious for that, and nothing in life is trivial, don't take anything for granted. We should live for to day because you never know, it just might be your last day, their might not be a tomorrow.

I dream for all the worlds pain to go away and that all is left is love, happiness and beauty.

I hope that we can get as much out of life as we can and live only for the good and beauty because life is too short for anything more.

I am an Artist, humanitarian, conservationist, preservationist, perfectionist and a romanticist.

By, Christina J. Brinkley

Wrote in 2001

About Me

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I’m Christina Brinkley of Oklahoma; I have had one true love all my life and that is my love for Ancient Egypt, including Egyptian Art, and Egyptian mythology. I even have a star named after me in the constellation of Draco and is named ChristinaJoBrinkleyAnkhKheperuRe which means (Christina Jo Brinkley Given Life forever Continually.) Location is RA 16h46m48.75s DEC +52D23M47S MAG 10.62 or Star Id is 5965480 –34 The Egyptians believed that we shall become a star after death.